The Benefits of Routine Diesel Fuel Testing

Joshua Horton
The Benefits of Routine Diesel Fuel Testing

Does your machine run on diesel fuel? Well, diesel fuel is used to power a lot of different machines, including cars and trucks. According to Conidia (, routine diesel fuel testing will help to keep your fleet running smoothly and efficiently. Diesel engines are very complex machines that require knowledge and regular maintenance to run at their best. The most important factor in maintaining a healthy engine is the quality of the fuel being used. Here are the benefits of routine diesel fuel testing.

5 Things that a Fuel Testing Could Identify

  1. Water in the Fuel

One of the most common problems with diesel fuel is that it can become contaminated with water. Water is not good for any engine. In a diesel engine, water will cause rust and corrosion to form on the engine’s injectors and other metal surfaces. This corrosion causes damage to critical working parts, leading to performance issues and even complete engine failure in extremities. Water in diesel fuel is identified during testing by the optical density of the specimen being measured with a spectrometer. A dense sample would indicate water contamination.

  1. The Temperature at Which the Diesel Fuel Freezes

If your tank fills are not temperature controlled, you could lose revenue because your fuel is not moving through your transportation system. When the fuel temperature in the tank falls below a particular point, it freezes and is unusable. This can clog filters and other small passages, which leads to costly engine problems. Routine diesel fuel testing with freezing points can help you manage your fuel temperatures to avoid the inconvenience of frozen fuel lines.

  1. Acid in the Fuel

Diesel engines are susceptible to acidic conditions. Acids, such as sulphuric acid can cause damage to the injectors and other critical parts of your diesel engine if introduced through contaminated fuel. During routine diesel fuel testing, acids are identified by injecting a drop of the fuel into an acidic solution. If there is acid present, it will cause a fizzing reaction identified by its bubbling sound.

  1. Identifying Foreign Materials

Many times, other contaminants are introduced into diesel fuel at the refinery or during transportation. Contaminants may include saltwater, dirt or other particles. These foreign materials can cause serious damage to your engine if they are not removed before the fuel is used. These contaminants will be identified during routine diesel fuel testing by viewing the sample through an optical microscope.

  1. Evaluating the Flash Point of Diesel Fuel

The flashpoint of diesel fuel is critical in determining its ability to self-ignite. The flashpoint is the temperature at which diesel fuel will ignite without being introduced to a spark. If the flashpoint of diesel fuel is less than 300 degrees Fahrenheit, it could cause issues with your engine igniting correctly, which will result in poor performance.

4 Benefits of Diesel Fuel Testing

  1. It Helps Prevent Costly Engine Repairs and Failures

Diesel fuel testing can help you identify highly corrosive or contaminated diesel fuel before introducing it into your engine. If you are using cheap, budget-brand diesel fuel regularly, then there’s a good chance you are putting your engine at risk.

  1. It Prevents Costly Outages and Delays

The biggest problem of running diesel fuel is that it does not have an indefinite shelf-life. Diesel fuel can deteriorate over time, even when it is kept in a closed tank. If your diesel fuel reaches its expiration date, then it could clog your engine’s fuel filters and line screens, which can lead to costly repairs or even engine failure. Testing it enables you to rule out this expensive mistake.

  1. The Testing Prevents Losses from Fuel

Fuel theft has become such a big problem. Most companies now outfit all of their diesel fuel trucks with GPS systems to help monitor and track their movements and determine the whereabouts of their cargo. Diesel fuel is a costly commodity that some people are willing to kill for. If you are running budget-brand diesel fuel, then you could be inviting thieves into your facility at night.

  1. It Helps Prevent Air Quality Issues

Diesel fuel testing can help prevent serious air quality issues caused by releasing harmful, foul-smelling exhaust fumes from your diesel engine. If you value being a good neighbour and maintaining a positive reputation in the community, it is extremely important to test your diesel fuel for quality assurance purposes regularly.

Diesel Fuel Testing Final Thoughts

There are many benefits associated with routine diesel fuel testing. If you are currently experiencing some of the issues detailed above, it might be time to take a closer look at your diesel fuel supply system to make sure that all of the components are working together smoothly.

Joshua Horton